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Untoxicated interview

Lead singer in a drug-free and Straight Edge band, record label and booking agency owner, Khai also finds time to be president of The Drug Free Youth Association Malaysia.

Khai Aziz is an inspirational person. At 35 years old, “Ein” as he is known as in the Straight Edge scene is singer in a band called Second Combat. He is also the owner of United X Front Records and has dedicated his life to positive work with youth in Malaysia.

I met Khai through Facebook when UntoXicated just started, and was blown away by his contributions to society in his part of the world. Here’s a few questions that I got to ask him about his life…

What do you do in your everyday life – what’s your livelihood?

My full-time job is as a motivational speaker for drug-free living. I also co-ordinate music events and music classes and give drug and alcohol consultation to companies and universities. I also give kids free talks on how to live sober in everyday life.

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about making music, traveling with my band and helping out people in need.

How long have you been drug, tobacco and alcohol free?

I have been clean for 14 years. I once did alcohol and drugs, but decided that I didn’t want to follow the crowd anymore. I saw how wrong it was, the corruption involved, and now I’ve declared war on it!

Why are you drug, tobacco and alcohol free?

I once smoke, drank and did drugs from the age of 13, but I quit when I was 21. I saw my brother suffer from it, and it taught me a lot of lessons. I’d seen a lot of death in family and friends, and I realised how bad it was. So now I want to destroy drug culture.

When I was young, I was a Punk kid with studs and boots and thought that getting high is the way punk should be. Then I discovered that within the Hardcore Punk community there are bands that fight drugs, smoking and alcohol. I was inspired by the Straight Edge message. Bands like Minor Threat, Youth Of Today and Bad Brains had shown me what Punk and Hardcore should be. It was more than music, it was about the message.

Do you have any life tips for others that you’d like to share?

Get Inspired! Look out for Positive people that can Inspire you, then you can inspire others. Inspiration can come from anyone: your dad, your teacher, a singer, an actor or your favourite bands. Hangout with Positive people in positive environments.

“Always think positive about yourself.”

Never give up on believing that your life is precious – you don’t need to poison it. Use PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) and arm your mind with it everyday!

If you’d like to see what Khai and the Drug Free Youth of Malaysia are up to, click on the link below. Don’t forget to support his page by Liking it!

Visit Khai’s, Malaysia Drug Free Youth Association

Tags: DFYArmy, Drug Free Youth Malaysia, Khai Aziz, Malaysia, Straight Edge

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